Sunday, July 31, 2011

not enough time

I always think, I am going to do better with this blogging thing, and then I get on to post and I realize, wow, it has been awhile since I last wrote. I am trying, but life sure gets in the way. It's a good thing, I guess. Sometimes I wish life weren't so crazy, but that's ok. Not much has happened in the way of exciting news. I switched my work schedule so now instead of working Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays in Ridgecrest and Tuesdays in Apple Valley, I will be working Mondays, Tuesday and Wednesdays in Ridgecrest and Thursdays in Apple Valley. Ultimately I think this will be better for me and Jace. I am excited to have some three day weekends, and am hoping to make the best of them. I am also so thankful to both of my offices, for working with me on my schedule.

I celebrated another birthday, woohoo. It seems the older I get the less fun birthdays are. I thought that birthdays would get better with age, but alas, no. I guess if I want to have a fun birthday I need to make it happen for myself. I guess I could have been doing that all along, but that's ok. This year I went with Jace, Molly and my niece Kennedy, and my nephew Kyler to my grandma's house. This is my dad's mom, we had fun, and it was nice to let her see all the kiddos. I have a funny video of Kyler dancing with grandmas stuffed animal monkey, it was pretty cute. I do enjoy getting to spend time with family. I am hoping that in the near future I can make a trip out to Arizona to visit more family. I would like to go and see my other grandma. I'm crossing my fingers that I can work something out.

Jace turns 6 months on Thursday, I can't believe it. I am going to get his 6 months pictures taken from Heather Gibbons, the photographer that took his newborn shots, I am so excited for this. He is such a little man, and I can't wait to see the pictures, they haven't even been taken yet, and I am just so excited. That little boy has brought me so much joy. I have had a pretty rough last few years, and I am not complaining or anything, I stuck in the roughness by my own accord, but Jace has made my life so much sweeter. I hate that I have to work so much, but I love that when I come home, he smiles and gets so excited to see me. I am just so thankful that he loves me unconditionally. It is wonderful to be his mom.

I had a funny thought the other day about trials, and about my blog title. You know I chose the background, when life gives you lemons make lemonade, well I was thinking, maybe it should say, when life gives you lemons take them and throw them at the person that caused you the grief. Ok, maybe that really wasn't all that funny, it sounded funnier in my head. Sometimes, I wish I had lemons to throw, I know that really wouldn't solve anything, but it might be fun and it might even make me feel a little better, even if just for a moment, but then knowing me I would just feel bad for throwing lemons, it wouldn't help at all. (was that a run-on sentence or what!?!)

Seriously, I am doing pretty good, I don't have any desire to throw any lemons, I feel like besides a few things, I am in a good place in my life. I am trying to stay close to my Savior, I feel like this past year He has been carrying me through the hard times, I haven't been able to stand on my own, and He has made sure I have been able to move forward. I feel so lucky to know that I have a loving Savior and a loving Father in Heaven. I know they have protected me, and carried me through difficult times in my life, and I am just so thankful that I have a testimony of their love for me and for all of us.

Kyler and Jace playing.
 Jace laughing.
 Cute picture:)
 Jace LOVES Kyler
 Visiting Great Grandma Fox.
 Kyler got a Mickey stuffed animal

 Cute Kennedy.
 Jace and I on my birthday, I hate this picture of me, but at least I have one picture of my birthday. I have a lazy eye and it drives me CRAZY!!!
 Jace eating his toy duckies foot.

We bought some oil, called sea buckthorn oil, a patient of mine told me it helped with her granddaughters acne, and then after researching it a little more, it also helps with eczema, which Jace has. So I tried it, and I felt like an oompa loompa, it sort of stains your skin orange, but don't worry it washes off, and I just made sure I slept on my pillow with a towel covering the pillowcase, I have yet to give my review on how well this product works though, stay tuned...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Picture overload...

Jace is only 3 months older than Dallin, it's amazing what a difference that makes when they are so young.

4 month pictures! And a beautiful blanket made by cousin Shannon:)

I know these are kind of out of place, but this is one of the dishes I made from weight watchers, it was baked macaroni and cheese and it turned out pretty yummy.

Beef and brocolli, also very yummy:)

Jace is constantly putting blankets, burp rags, cloth diapers, you name it on his head, and then he can't get it off, it is pretty funny.

4th of July BBQ, Kennedy swimming.

Me and Jace "swimming"

One of my favorites ever of Jace.
 Kyler being silly.
 Jace with a faux-hawk, looks kinds like alfalfa, or Ed Grimley, you don't say.

I love this boy so much!