Sunday, August 7, 2011

Eating solids

So, we have been putting rice cereal in some of Jace's bottles for about a month now, and he seems to do pretty well with that. His pediatrician said that I could start introducing new foods to Jace at 5 months, but I was a little hesitant because Jace has eczema on his legs and a little on his arms, and from what I understand that is a precursor for food allergies. So I didn't want to start him too fast and then have problems later. I felt safe with the rice cereal. He is 6 months now, and I thought, maybe we could start to be a little more adventurous. His doctor did say however to only introduce one food a week that way if he does have a reaction, we will know what caused it. So, today for the first time he got peas. I think he was very excited in the beginning, but didn't really love it all that much. We will keep trying with the peas this week though. I know he is ready for food because he is constantly grabbing at my food while I am eating. This is a whole new concept though, eating with a spoon. I think he did pretty well. And Harvey sure loved the mess we were making. :)
Ready to start eating
So happy
Wanted to eat his bib too
Harvey was happy licking Jace's toes

Even though it wasn't a total success today, Jace was still happy.

Jace is also 6 months, this past Thursday, August 4th. I can not believe how fast time flies. I love this little boy so much, he has made my life so much better. I am sad that time is moving so fast, but excited for the future with my little Jace boy. Sorry for the unrotated pictures, I rotated them, but they kept uploading this way, and I am too frustrated to spend any more time trying to fix it.  If you know how to and it's an easy fix, let me know, I am sure I am just missing the obvious, but sorry you have to turn your head to see the pictures correctly.


"yummmmm, I love shoes"
"Mom, I do not like sitting in the grass"
I love this kid!


  1. So fun! Maybe Jace will sleep through the night for you now if he's eating solids. One more thing, since you're worried about food allergies if your doc didn't mention...don't introduce strawberries or peanuts. Not sure what the waiting period is on that, I think I waited at least a year maybe more. I love the shoe and grass pics :)

  2. Don't worry, Jace. I feel the same way about peas too. That made me laugh!! I love babies and their funny expressions. He's a little angel!
