Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jace is Here!!!

This probably will not be a long post, but I know that pictures are always fun to look at, so here are a few, I have lots to say, but life with a newborn is crazy. It seems like time moves faster with a little baby, things that only took me a few minutes now take hours, but I am sure everyone already knew that. I just needed to learn it. Jace is a great baby though, fusses when he wants to eat and sometimes it takes me an hour before he finally eats, but all in all, a great baby.

So here he is: Jace Emery Blinsmon, born at 3:03 pm on February 4, 2011. Weighing in at 7 pounds and 6 ounces, and 20 1/2 inches long. I did have a c-section, but I will write more about that later. Isn't he so cute?!?! I think so!


  1. He's beautiful, Ceri! Cherish these early moments. I know it's hard when they are keeping you up all night, but it goes SO fast. I have an eight year-old now and I'm freaking out...

  2. Congratulations, Ceri! Jake and I were just asking ourselves if you'd had him. He's just perfect! :)

  3. How are you recovering from the c section. It was hard on me. If you would like a visitor let me know. I'm not doing anything. :)

  4. He's adorable, you did a great job! Wish we were closer so we could see him. Get all the rest while you can!

  5. I hope everything is going okay Ceri. We sure are going to miss our babysitter. Jace has one awesome little auntie! I told Molly that you need to start watching the late night shows during those night-time feedings. That way you can stay awake and keep him from falling on his head! Conan O'Brian and I were the greatest of friends. Good Luck!
